We have updated our privacy policy

Please see below description of how your data is currently used along with some additional information about your consent and how to withdraw / unsubscribe.

Privacy Policy Update –
For the purpose of a trading relationship with your organisation we currently hold the following information:

Company Name, Company & Delivery Addresses, Contact Telephone Numbers/Fax Numbers/Email addresses, Employee Names, Bank Details (sometimes), Trading History (products, prices), Credit Checking (where applicable).

The data is gathered from prior trading activities, and ongoing business, received verbally, in writing or electronically. The data is stored in paper form and on our computer system at our secure offices. Our server is internal only, is not accessible over the internet, is username and password protected and protected by our internal firewalls. All data held will be for internal use only and used only for the purposes of our trading activities. We will never give your data to 3rd parties unless we are legally obliged to do so or you request we do so, ie. courier companies, credit check companies. Any data passed onto these parties will be conducted within GDPR guidelines and will only be data relevant to our trading activities.

Consent –
If we do not receive your updated settings before 25.05.18, it will be presumed you do not object to our retention of your current information.

You may withdraw your consent to our use and retention of your data at any time. If you elect to do so, please inform us by email to sales@paintfinishingsolutions.co.uk